Genetic predisposition as well as the presence of inadequate eating habits and infrequent physical activity all play an important part in the development of obesity. An unbalanced diet (high in fats, cakes, pastries, etc. and low in fruit, vegetables and legumes), associated with almost no physical activity, as affects the majority of teenagers, means that there is an imbalance in the energy intake and the energy expended. This excess of unused calories accumulates as fat, and if the process continues, excess weight and obesity will appear over time.
Being overweight or obese leads to the risk of chronic illnesses beginning in childhood that may not become apparent until adolescence and adulthood.
At this stage, the early onset risk factors for cardiovascular disease are seen, for example: hyperlipidemia, diabetes, hypertension, etc., which could develop into serious pathologies in adulthood.
Eating disorders
Although the causes of eating disorders are not well understood, it appears that pubertal changes in body shape and weight predispose young women to develop unhealthy attitudes towards food. The most well-known are bulimia and anorexia nervosa, but there are others such as binging, bigorexia, orthorexia, pica, etc.
Miracle diets
As a consequence of the current obsession to lose weight and achieve the “ideal body weight”, every year, especially before the summer, (“Operation Bikini”), “miracle diets” are advertised, often using celebrities, that promise a solution to the problem of excess weight quickly and without any effort at all. In general, these diets have no scientific basis, and most of them are a waste of money. There are a great many of them, but in the long term, they all have one thing in common, they are harmful to health (incorrect nutritional input), they don´t so much correct bad habits as encourage them, and they produce discouragement and frustration, and weight is quickly regained shortly afterwards. In fact these mistaken ways of eating, and repeatedly going on such diets, predisposes people to developing bad eating habits.
Lower physical activity
Unlike in childhood, there are greater problems promoting physical activity in adolescence. Whilst childhood interests centre on children´s games and physical activities, adolescents lose interest in in games and fill their spare time with other activities (going out with friends, chatting, etc.). They also complain that they have too little spare time owing to more school work. At this time, physical activity should be taught and encouraged as a good alternative to other entertainment, a good way to feel good and make friends. As far as best of use of time is concerned, it´s important to organise a proper timetable. To do this, families and educators should encourage more time being spent on physical activity, above all for girls, as studies show a drop in the level of physical activity during adolescence.
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