Nutritional recommendations (9-13 years)

The recommended daily calorie intake for this age group is dependent on two factors: gender and level of physical activity.

For boys between 9 and 13 years of age the basic calorific requirement is 1,800 kcal/day.

For girls of the same age the basic calorific requirement is 1,600 kcal/day.

These figures have to be increased by 200 kcal. when moderate physical activity is undertaken, and by 200-400 kcal. for more intense physical activity.

50-55% of these calories should be from carbohydrates, 25-35% from fats, and 15-20% from protein.

The calorific requirement should be met by foods from all groups, as follows:

750 ml of milk per day will provide the daily calcium requirement for this age group, that´s two or three servings of milk or its equivalent in other dairy products (Annexe 1). It is preferable to use semi-skimmed or skimmed products, as well as restricting the intake of butter, margarine and mature cheeses.
2 servings per day. To be eaten raw or cooked.
3 servings of fruit a day recommended.
pasta and bread, 4 to 6 servings recommended per day.
2 or 3 servings a day week.

recommended daily intake is two servings per day.

Fish is preferable to meat for its lower energy content and its better quality fats (less saturated fat).

Among meats, the most recommendable are those with a lower fat content (chicken, turkey and rabbit), always avoiding visible fat and poultry skin.

Eggs are highly recommendable owing to protein content and their high biological value. Although they are widely criticised in reports for their cholesterol content, recent studies have shown that the cholesterol content of eggs is not significant in comparison to other common foods, and apart from this, their protein and vitamin content make them a highly recommendable food.

At this stage, 4 or 5 eggs a week are recommended.

1 to 3 servings a week.
6 servings a day.
the intake of refined sugars should be limited.
6 to 8 glasses a days.

Food servings for 9-13 years of age

Milk and Dairy Products 2-3
Vegetables 2 Raw or cooked
Fruit 3
Cereals, Bread, Pasta 4-6
Legumes 2-3 Per week
Meat, Eggs, Fish 2 Preferably fish rather than meat. Lean meat
Dried Fruits 1-3 Per week
Oils 6
Sugar Occasionally and moderately
Water 6-8 glasses a day


The total daily calorie intake should be distributed between five meals: breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.

  • Breakfast and Morning Snack 25% of the daily calorie intake
  • Lunch: 30-35%
  • Afternoon Snack: 15%
  • Dinner: 25-30%



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