Choose at least one food from each group to achieve a balanced diet:
Group 1
Vegetables. Can be used: in salads; boiled or stewed – without potatoes and legumes; puréed – without potatoes or cereals; or creamed. Above all, they provide fibre and carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals.
Group 2
Milk, eggs, fish, meat and dried fruit and nuts. Skimmed milk, fresh cheese, low fat yoghurt, eggs, cod, hake, tuna, mackerel, sardines, squid, octopus, chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal, beef, lamb.
Above all, rich in protein and minerals.
Group 3
Cereals, legumes and starch: bread (plain or toasted), gofio, potatoes, yam, sweet potatoes, pasta (macaroni, spaghetti, noodles), legumes (chickpeas, beans, peas, lima beans, lentils, soya beans) pizza base, maize flour for arepas, rice, and other cereals (cuscous, bulgar wheat).
Basic provision of carbohydrates.
Group 4
Fruit, preferably whole or as fresh juice. Any kind of fruit may be chosen.
Combine citric fruits with other fruits, the more juicy ones with more solid ones: oranges with bananas.
They provide mainly fibre, vitamins and minerals.
The choice of one food from each group will create a healthy menu. It could comprise a first and main course, accompanied with a piece of fruit, or just a main course, as shown in the picture, with foods from all groups accompanied by fruit.