Nutritional requirement
By nutritional requirement, we mean the quantity of all the nutrients that a person should consume in order to maintain an adequate state of nutrition and development, permitting optimal growth during childhood.
First principles
Since the 1950´s, the Food and Agriculture Organization (“FAO”) and the World Health Organization (“WHO”) have been consulting groups of experts with the aim of providing recommendations for the consumption of nutrients at world level.
In 1998, the FAO and WHO group of experts established the following proportions of macronutrients to achieve a balanced diet.
Calorie requirement
- 4–8 years, calorie requirement of 1,200 kilocalories (girls) and 1,400 kilocalories (boys).
- 9–13 years, calorie requirement of 1,600 kilocalories (girls) and 1,800 kilocalories (boys).
- 14–18 years, calorie requirement of 1,800 kilocalories (girls) and 2,200 kilocalories (boys).
Water and fibre requirement
Dietary reference intakes
By dietary reference intakes we mean the quantitative contribution of nutrients to achieve good nutrition.
For decades, the Food and Nutrition Board, of the American Institute of Medicine (FNB-IOM) has published and updated Recommended Dietary Allowances (“RDA”).
Adequate intakes
Adequate Intakes (“AI”) are those recommended daily quantities of nutrients where there is insufficient data relating to certain nutrients.
These recommendations can be found on the website of Institute of Medicine, Food and Nutrition Board. Dietary reference intakes research synthesis workshop summary. Washington D.C.: National Academy Press, 2006.