Although breast milk is the ideal food for babies during the first 6 months of life, sometimes breastfeeding is not possible, in these cases, there are modified formulas adapted to the needs of infants: starter milk (suitable from birth to 6 months) and then follow-on milk (6 to 12 months).
Unmodified cow’s, sheep´s or goat´s milk are not suitable for consumption by babies under 1 year old.
The term “mixed feeding” is reserved for those infants receiving both breast milk and formula.
Preparation of the Bottle
- First, wash your hands.
- No need to sterilise bottles and teats before each use, you can just wash them with soap and water.
- Heat bottled water suitable for consumption by children (low sodium), but don´t boil. Microwave ovens are not recommended (as parts of the milk can overheat and scald the baby).
- Pour the required amount of water into a bottle, then add a scoop of milk powder for every 30 ml of water (e.g. 60 ml of water, two scoops , 90 ml of water, 3 scoops, and so on).
- Stir gently to dissolve the mixture well and smoothly.
- Test the temperature on the back of your hand: it should be warm but not too hot.
- The milk should be prepared just before feeding, if you´re going to be away from home, you can keep hot water in a thermos flask, adding the formula just before feeding.
- Any formula milk remaining after the feed should be discarded
Frequency and Duration of Feeds
There shouldn´t be a strict feeding schedule. At first, the baby will feed approximately every 2-4 hours and will gradually begin to feed in a more predictable rhythm.
The correct gain in length and weight will tell us if the baby is eating well, so it´s not possible to specify how much to feed. There are signs that help us in this assessment, the baby should be strong and happy, and filling 5-6 nappies a day, and if that´s the case, then he´s feeding correctly. The baby´s development will be checked and confirmed by the paediatrician at periodical examinations.
Sometimes formula milk can cause allergic reactions or intolerance. If you suspect that is the case with your child, ask your doctor before making any changes in milk.