The most common problems seen in this age group are the following:
- Missed Breakfast. It is at this stage that children stop having a proper breakfast, and findings show that of those who are overweight, 40% don´t have a proper breakfast, or eat an incomplete breakfast (not eating cereals, a dairy product or fruit).
- Snacking and Junk Food. At this age, children begin to suffer the influences of the group of friends with whom they spend their time, encouraging them to eat sweet snacks, which are usually hypercalorific (rich in calories) owing to their high content of fats and sugars. In addition, in many instances, they decide how to spend their money and can decide what to buy, at mid-morning, as well as for their afternoon snack.
- Obesity: In the Canary Islands, 18% of the child population is obese. It is known that 80% of obese adolescents will become obese adults, which is why it´s important to control excess weight from an early age. Obesity is one of the greatest risk factors for cardiovascular disease and its related consequences: Hypertension, dyslipidemia, etc.